Our program is designed to ensure the holistic development of every child in our care. We follow the curriculum guidelines set by the CT Department of Education. CT Early Learning and Development Standards (CTELDS).
The CT ELDS are organized into eight domains: Social and Emotional Development, Physical Health and Development, Language and Literacy, Creative Arts, Mathematics, Science, Cognition and Social Studies.
This curriculum allows teachers to practice creativity as well as individualizing for each child's personal needs and developmental stage. Inquiring Minds Learning Academy allows for a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the individual child. Daily activities allow for growth and learning in all developmental areas: social, emotional, cognitive, creative, and physical. Learning experiences in each of these areas are available to each child on a daily basis through a variety of methods.
Our Programs
Our Precious Infants 10 weeks - 12 months
At Inquiring Minds Learning Academy, we understand bonding, nurturing, and communicating with our infants are crucial to their development. We communicate with our babies all day from the time they arrive until they are picked up to go home. Our teachers are trained to stimulate your infant’s emotional, cognitive, and physical development. Through tummy time with their peers, reading aloud, and music/movement. Establishing a foundation of trust with your infant is key to helping your child feel secure. A solid foundation of trust and attachment affects how they interact, communicate, and form relationships with others throughout life. This process of bonding and establishing trust takes place through interactions.
Our Busy Toddlers 12 months – 36 months
At Inquiring Minds Learning Academy, your toddler will learn a variety of important skills, including letter recognition and sound, identifying and counting numbers, names of animals and sounds, early reading skills and much more. They'll start building secure attachments, exploring the outdoors, participating in art and music activities. All children grow and learn at their own pace and in their own unique way. We're all DIFFERENT, UNIQUE, and AMAZING in our own way. Activities are designed to address the child’s individual needs.
Our Hardworking Preschoolers and Pre-Kindergarteners 3 – 4 years old
At Inquiring Minds Learning Academy, we focus on getting our preschoolers and pre-kindergarteners prepared for kindergarten. Our teachers are trained to prepare your child for a successful educational journey with the help of parent(s) and/or guardian(s). Teamwork between teachers and parents is beneficial to the child’s success. We believe it’s very important for our children to go into the next level of their educational journey confident and prepared.